Meet The Staff

Peggy – Owner & Best Boss Ever

Originally from the big city, Peggy has fond memories of visiting the Dells as a child with her family. Peggy draws from a lifetime of customer service and joined the studio in 1999 quickly becoming the managing personality before purchasing the studio in 2009. Her kind heart and giving spirit instills deep loyalty in her staff. She has created a family at Capone’s, and we are honored to be part of it.

Gina- Manager

Joining us out of high school in 2008, Gina has been groomed to take on the management of the studio from the beginning of her career here. She has dedicated many overtime hours to ensure the smooth operation of the business, as well as an extensive knowledge of the costumes, themes, and flattering poses. She is deeply family oriented and values quality time with her children, sisters, brothers, nieces & nephews.

Michelle - Manager

Joining the staff in 1998, Michelle found her home away from home, and has plans to someday purchase the studio. Having found the "Fountain of Youth" she is a perpetual 29 years old. That little bit of crazy keeps her here, long after her shift has ended, she says it's easier to stay at work than commute home to West Texas.

Steve – Photographer

An avid amateur photographer from the time he received his first camera at 10 years old, he brings in over 60 years of photography experience, including old school 35 mm darkroom processing and manual camera settings. He joined us in his retirement in 2010 to keep busy and to fund his personal photography equipment. Every year at the end of the summer season, he lets us know that he is going to be slowing down, and will need to reduce his hours next year, but every spring he tells us he wants to work as many hours as we will schedule him. He is friendly, entertaining, and passionately dedicated to his art.

Lacie- Social Media Specialist

She joined us in 2008 as a part time get-a-way from her ever-growing family (7 kids and counting…), She does a bit of everything including the daunting delight known as social media. While capable of being the star of the show, she chooses to be the best of support staff and is always there to help when needed.

George - Photographer

Helping us out here and there since 2010, George joined our dedicated staff in 2020. With true entrepreneurial spirit, he has a background of songwriting, audio production, and event promotion. While continuing to work toward Life Coach Certification, he brings his artistic talents to Capone's.

The Rest of the Family

We are an example of nepotism at finest. Our children are assured of their first job as soon as they are old enough to work. Having grown up in the business, they start working fully trained and knowledgeable, and are the core of our part time and seasonal staff.

Rounding out the staff, we hire seasonal employees from an international cultural exchange program. College students from other countries come to the United States to experience life in America. Over the years, we have had students from Russia, Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Taiwan, Jamaica, The Dominican Republic, Columbia, and Peru.